
BAP purchases the Avon & Hero bicycles directly from bike enterprises in Gulu city. We strongly believe in supporting the local economy through sustainable measures, which is why we bring our business directly to the community we are partnering with.

In East Africa, and throughout many countries in the world, bikes are used for transporting everything: crops, furniture, people, medicine, etc. In the agro-centric economies, the bikes must be sturdy enough to carry hundreds of pounds of crops through rough terrain that lacks proper infrastructure.

So the bikes we use can’t just be your average vehicle.

BAP Bike Details Why We Chose This Method
Bike companies used: Avon & Hero

Avon and Hero produce exceptionally sturdy bicycles that can withstand the typical conditions in rural Africa (e.g. heavy loads and rough terrain).

Purchase bikes from local bike shops

Supports the local economy in a sustainable and entrepreneurial way.

Avon & Hero are two Indian bike companies

While we would have normally preferred to buy bikes manufactured and built in Uganda, the options at hand were not as durable. We want to ensure that our participants are receiving the highest quality of bike technology that we can provide.

The end result is a balance between supporting the local economy and providing sturdy bikes.

Bikes are not donated from U.S.*

Though Avon and Hero do not manufacture their bicycles in Uganda they do sell their products to Ugandan bike shops who sell to local communities.

*We do, however, collect donated used bikes that we refurbish and sell in our bicycle silent auction in the U.S., which is used for fundraising.

Bike repair seminar

Upon receiving the bicycle, program beneficiaries participate in a bicycle repair seminar. The workshop, taught by a local bike repairman, is intended to supply an additional avenue of independence for the program participants. (see workshops)

Entrepreneurship & Financial Responsibility

The bicycle provides an opportunity for individuals to start their own enterprise or expand their current business operations. For example, instead of carrying all one’s crops home from the farm, an individual can now use the bike to transport these crops to a larger trading center with more profitable sales.

The bike also empowers individuals to become entrepreneurs. After just one year of operation, one quarter of BAP participants used the bike to start their own business. We saw beneficiaries using the bike to reach large trading markets where they could buy clothes, household items, or other rare commodities, and then sell these items in their own small village markets where such commodities are unique and therefore valuable. Such entrepreneurial activities would not be possible without the bicycle.

Money management workshop

BAP’s services additionally include a focus on financial responsibility. This is inherent within the bicycle repayment structure, but is further complemented through our money management workshops, required for all participants and taught by consultants, all native to Gulu, from local community-based organizations-- CBOs (see workshops).


Before the bikes are distributed, beneficiaries must participate in two workshops: one on basic bicycle service and maintenance, and the second on credit and savings management.

The workshops are fundamental parts of our project. They are intended to help beneficiaries develop basic skills on maintenance and bike service in order for them to keep their bicycles longer without paying for the cost of basic repairs. Beneficiaries also learn about savings and book keeping, helping them stay on track with their payments. Although the workshops are organized by BAP, we recruit local experts in each field to teach each component.

Community feedback

BAP is continually analyzing its program to ensure that bicycle recipients are getting the quality care they deserve. We conduct surveys and evaluations throughout the process and are always keeping in mind how we can improve the program to strengthen our impact.

We believe that listening to the communities we work with and the program participants themselves is the best way to enhance our operations. BAP learns about possible improvements through two mechanisms. First, we conduct formal evaluations with all of of the villages we’re in, including both bicycle recipients and non-program community members. Secondly, our Project Managers, the on-the-ground staff in Gulu, are in constant contact with program participants. They learn feedback in an informal setting and convey these recommendations to BAP.

While BAP is unable to implement all of the advice we hear, we are conscious and receptive to the suggestions from program participants. Our workshops and selection model are great examples of this!

In 2010 we learned, through our evaluations, that bicycle beneficiaries wanted longer and more informative money management workshops. So we delivered. We also learned, through conversations with our Project Managers, that participants wanted a stronger focus on group savings. As a result, we provided communities the flexibility to incorporate group savings into the existing repayment structure.


BAP works hand in glove with the communities its programs are in. We partner with leaders to identify potential communities to work with, taking into account certain factors such as distance to trading centers, health clinics, and schools. While we want a diversity of communities, we also want to ensure that all are in need of BAP's program and could benefit from its effects.



>Program Description

> Operation Details




>>Community Feedback


> Our Impact


Clinton Global Initiative